Most people who are reading this are doing so because of an idea my daughter gave me earlier. In a few moments, you're going to feel stupid, I hope. Not because you are, but because you've been duped. I hope what I present will make you think about just how predictable, contorollable, and common every single one of you are. Note that I say YOU, and not me. Being aware of the systems in place to manipulate our predictable behaviors, I avoid those controls.
Global Warming! Catholic Priest! Obama! Tea Party! Liberal! Conservative! Christian Right! Education! New World Order! Home Grown Terrorist! Recession! Demi Lovato! Justin Bieber! Lindsay Lohan! Afghanistan! Corporate America! Socialism! Obesity! Economics! Foreclosure Rates! Deals!
That's right, you were googling one of those terms weren't you? You typed in a phrase, a software algorithym analyzed your search patterns and listed this blog for your perusal. Google, and other noteworthy search engines are doing their job, and probably doing so with honor and integrity. In throwing in those keywords, however, I'm manipulating the system to get you to read this.
The above is just a small example of how stupid people are ,and how easy they can be manipulated by simple controls and quiet suggestions. The lines in a parking lot tell you where to be, and despite a completely empty lot in the middle of the night, you obey those lines. Your favorite politician or, of all things, political commentator says the sky is green above Washington, and you swear it before God (I'm mostly refering more to you Tea Party guys there). Whenever a government official, usually under the puppet strings of a powerful elite, wants to invade your privacy, take away your freedoms, or control every small behavior (seat belts? really?), all he has to do is whisper the magic words; security threat, public safety, health epidemic.
And every damn one of you get dragged down by these controls because not one of you out there can think for yourselves. You align with this group or that, you obey all the little laws, you accept obediently what's in your face because that's your norm. You were taught conformity and adherence. You were rasied to accept that the fork goes on the left, that the hard work for the powers that be will lead to success, and that you could buy a 500,000 house on a 100,000 budget. Well look where that conformity got you dumbass.
Try, just once, to look at the subtext. Research the links, not the content. Listen to opinions not your own. And the next time you find yourself in a vacant mall, go ahead and do it, cross the lines. I promise they won't come out and bite you.
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