Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Daughter and I.

This is an odd first post, but it stems from a conversation my daughter and I were having earlier. You see, my little girl is a 14 year old High School freshman with an above average IQ, whose deeply interested in the world around her. Of course this makes her omniscient, {let's go with that}. She does write a fascinating blog herself though called The following description of our conversation is merely an example of the fascinating talks we have that I just don't recall having with my parents.

She tells me she had a conversation with a friend about the recent (and in my opinion, insidious) attempt by Texas conservatives to change history books to promote certain views and omit others. Her friend, parroting her parents "conservative" opinions, compared this to passing out pamphlets to 8 year olds about gay penguins. My daughter, at least to her friend, was speechless. Funny, she doesn't have that problem with me.

Said daughter argues that those activities are nothing alike, and I point out that, in as much as they are both designed to influence young minds toward a particular viewpoints, similarities do exist. She concedes that argument, but (and you'll see that statement a lot), The "Texas Conservative" activity is worse because it doesn't forward new thoughts, it tries to ommit truths. While I agreed that this was possibly the case, neither activity shold be tolerated.

I firmly believe social beliefs should be taught at home, not the school. Even if I detest those beliefs. Way too often are parental and family values preempted by the local socio-political forces in strength in a given area. Conservative Christians hold sway in Texas, and Liberal zealouts tend to hold sway in most metro areas. This area of New Jersey provides awards for civic responsibility. What my daughter should and shouldn't believe needs to be determined by her mother and I, not the school, not social education programs, and certainly not altered histories.

Please..Share your thoughts!!!

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